As promiced this is the two point perspective room the differance bettween this and the one point perspective is the vanishing points. in one point there is one vanishing point which is located on the page, but in two point perspective  there are two vanishing points and the almost always lie off the page. I had lots of fun with this drawing my favorite part of it got cut off a bit but there is a painting of a two point persective rrom inside the two point persective room.

<3 Anna-Linnea

3/13/2011 11:03:23 am

If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.

3/17/2011 04:24:52 pm

We'll also be talking about what we would like to do for the teen art exhibit that will be taking place this winter in the meeting room.


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