I started drafting and playing with three point perspective the day we got the assignment. I started with bird’s eye thinking it to be easiest and drew one building form this I then drew another building behind the first building. I drew several other buildings behind the first one. I then positioned a building to sit above my horizon line this was quite easy to figure out however because I just had to leave out the top then I started putting a building in front of the original drawing to do this easily I laid out a street grid on my paper which I then blocked off into city blocks from here I just had to draw lines up and connect them it made setting up my city easier than I expected I then started adding to my drawing little things such as windows, glass panels, signs, overhangs, and other things these were to make the drawing appear more realistic. I made one building built entirely out of glass panels to do this I used the technique of making the side of the building a box then drawing an x in this to find the center point I did this over and over until I acquired my horizontal lines for the windows.   

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