I had become bored with drawing simple cites in three point perspective so I decided to draw a castle for my final for this project. I deiced to do my final in worm’s eye view because this was coming easier to me now than bird’s eye view. I started by outlining a base for my castle. I wanted it to take up the whole page then I drew the center tower and the two other towers that would be seen in the picture these I then connected with a wall which I then made inset in between the towers. I then put in the battlements. I did these and then I started making the brick the bricks took a long time because there were so many I started by making horizontal lines from the side vanishing points. I figured out where to put these by dividing the walls using the x method. I created an x in the walls and at the center point I drew my line then kept making x’s until I had thirty two horizontal lines on my towers I then added of set vertical lines to give the appearance of bricks then I added a door to the right wall and a half down draw bridge that was very hard to do.

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